Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I love making dolls.

I try to sell them but sadly no one buys them. I wonder why, my mom told me that I don't sell my dolls because I don't want to sell them, and it's true.

Everytime I put a doll for sell , I feel as if I am selling one of my daughters. I put so much love and patience into every single of my dolls that I don't know how some artist have the courage to sell their precious creations.

Some people bid on my dolls, but just cents...and I'm not going to sell my dolls for cents. I always want to tell those people to sit down and try to make a doll for themselfs to see all the work that is put into making one.

Another thing that I do not understand is that there are other wonderful dolls on eBay dont sell while some other dolls are horrible and people are willing to pay a lot of money for them.

I really just don't understand.

I know that art is hard to understand.
What is pretty for me may be ugly for other people, like a picture my sister has in her house, she loves it and I don't like it at all.

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